Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Abandoned House Brightsville SC

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This old farmhouse is near Brightsville, SC. It appears to be 1880-1910 or so. I think someone started to fix it up and just quit, maybe it was too far gone to repair but they don't have the heart to tear it down. Notice the side is starting to lean. The yard is well maintained but the home is derelict. Shame too, it's a nice large place with a couple of buildings in back. I imagine it was quite a place in it's day. Those days are long gone unfortunately. In the larger photo you can see the interesting window glass treatment and the third window on the side that was removed and filled in at some point. Makes me wonder why. The porch posts are certainly not the originals, they would have been better than 4x4s and I suspect they might be in the lumber on the porch. I wonder how many still nights were spend sitting on that porch talking with family and friends after a long day. This house was very nice. This was taken by someone else.

Abandoned House Bear Creek NC

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Here is an old log cabin I saw near Bear Creek, NC slowly becoming one with the earth.
It appears to be a real cabin too, check out the interior chinking and how the logs are all different sizes. Unknown age but looks pretty old to me. There is a 1970s era mobile home in the backyard so I assume that's when it was abandoned. A little old lady in the yard waved at me...I wonder if she grew up in this homeplace and her family bought her a fancy new trailer home when the roof began to leak.
Another clue, it doesn't face the road but exactly due east instead parallel to the road. I take it to mean the home predates the road possibly. Roads go any direction but old homes like to face east for ventilation and lighting. Another old home with no evidence of ever being electrified. No meter box or wires or antennas but I guess that stands to reason being the interior walls are also logs with mud cement chinking. Just a great place to make a picture. I'll be going back one day for better shots.
The thumbnail is another HUGE version for you to check out, just keep clicking it till it's gigantic.

Abandoned House Hamlet NC

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This is a picture taken by someone else in Hamlet NC. It is clearly of an old, abandoned house. It is a shame these old houses get left to fall into disrepair.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Old Bridge 162v

Abandoned House Travelers Rest SC 162

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Empty House Picket Post SC 161x

Abandoned House Travelers Rest SC 161.1